About Demond

A few thoughts about coaching

Demond's Story

“Coach Demond knows the value of hard work. ”

Hello, I’m Demond Johnson – Coach Demond to the kids and parents I work with every day. I suppose many influences brought me into coaching. Primarily it was a concern for my own health and a desire to see kids be involved in sports. Everyone has some athleticism and most of us can improve and that’s what I try to do – help every child be a better athlete.

My desire is to see children put down their smartphones and stow away their XBox’s for a little time and become more physically active (especially outdoors). Once outside, I can expand your child’s vision of their capabilities and stretch their physical goals to include something more than just the basics. Let’s call it a stretch goal that currently they might think is beyond their reach. That’s what sports is all about – What dreams does your child have? Being active and outdoors is just the beginning.

My engaging personality and unusual activities bring a fresh perspective and openness to being active and how important it is in life.